Had a great time visiting with mom, dad, the girls, the kids, Lilly and Ian! Saturday we went to the library and then visited with Mammaw for a little bit. She was very interactive, and really enjoyed the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups we brought her. Later that evening, mom and I went for a 4 mile walk, came back and had pizza with the movie The Bounty Hunter, with Becca & Anna joining us. The movie was pretty good, and the breadsticks were awesome!
Sunday morning mom & I went for a 7.5 mile walk, which was good, but wore me out :b We ran to Lowes for pine needles, then I headed to Deb's to dig up some hosts they didn't want...of course, I had to visit with Lilly first for a little bit.
We had a great Labor Day lookout in the cul-de-sac, with great food, fantastic friends and d family, and perfect weather!
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